Special Education Courses for Autism and ADHD

The current figures of autism and lacking awareness show that there is a dire need for quality services which enhance the life of the entire family affected by autism spectrum disorder. As a professional consultant, you can offer services to about 15-20 families, but many more affected families out there need your help.


Through SAI Connection’ Professional Training and Certification Program, you, as a professional, can reach more families that need your help and make a difference in the field of autism.

This program is known as the Hybrid Training Program (HTP), the 1st of its kind in India.


In this program, 8 training sessions are conducted online and 5 are held at our centre. The HTP helps you address the autism spectrum using an unconventional yet provenly effective approach. Conducted exclusively by Kamini Lakhani, 1 of the only 3 authorized supervisors to provide RDI training across the world, the Hybrid Training Program enables you to help families affected by autism spectrum disorder, ADHD and other difficulties live a happier and well-adjusted life. You can also counsel families for all kinds of developing difficulties (not just autism) where the guiding relationship between parents and the child is impacted.

You can benefit from the Hybrid Training Program if you are a psychologist, counsellor, special educator, speech language pathologist, occupational therapist or if you have a background of providing services in the area of special needs.


Our aim is to have RDI Certified consultants in every state of India.

To know more about what you get and how you can use this program to benefit hundreds of families affected by autism, click here or fill the form below



The Importance of a Parent Training Program
For Individuals on the Autism Spectrum